Bunny Meme Sunday!

Hi everyone, Speedy here reporting for Carma!Well we was going to post this one yesterday but Mummy has a sore throat and didn't feel like doing much,but I said ok she could take it easy but to day she would have to help me make up for it so here's my Bunny Meme for the weekend!

Anyway I hope you have a great weekend This is Speedy reporting for Carma Poodale.com


  1. I am shocked! Your innocent!! I will represent you in a court of chickyum...oops, law.

    Thank you Speedy! Hope your mum is feeling better. No fun being sick on your birthumday.

    1. Thanks Carma,Your services are much appreciated ,Mum is working through her cold,she is coughing and a bit snotty on the nose front now,she said she'll soon be back to normal,xx Speedy

  2. Very cute, Speedy. Hope your mum is feeling much better today. ❤︎

  3. She has a cough now,but She said she be fine in a few days,xx Speedy

  4. Hello, Speedy. I've seen your comments on other sites, but this is the first time I've visited you. Will you get paroled? Maybe sent inside with a snack or two?

    1. Hehehe you can't keep a good bun in jail to long,xx Speedy


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